This was actually an internship project & one of my first interactions with React. I put together this package for internal use at the company I worked at, & published it for public use on NPM as well. It got a little traction too!

Relevant contributions
- Frontend development
- Build configuration
- Publishing to NPM
Major tools
- Webpack
- React
- Javascript
- AdminLTE theme library
- Jest
- jQuery
Planning phase
- This was an extra-curricular internship project, so I had free reign over planning & management.
- I went through the AdminLTE theme site, & made a list of what items needed to be converted to components.
Working out tickets
- After each plan was made, I added the feature via code.
- I added component testing with coverage charts.
- I added documentation for each component in the library.
- I added each component to an example build that replicates the AdminLTE documentation site's parallel one.
Updating NPM package
- I gathered access to the company's NPM account.
- I would update the NPM package with Webpack & build command scripts.

- Figuring out the proper Webpack configurations for different library import types.
- Updating package dependencies after over a year of gathering dust.

What did I learn?
- Making a package for NPM!
- Webpack

What would I improve if I did it again?
I would have foregone major components that followed the examples given in the AdminLTE documentation.
- Things like whole screens (e.g. 404, and login screens)
- Using React hooks. (This was made long before that React update.)