I want to create useful tools to help myself study Japanese, and I would like to share my findings and effort with others in their quest to do the same.

Relevant contributions
- Architectural choices
- Frontend development
- Devops
Major tools
- Handlebars → Jekyll
- Javascript
- Disqus
- NodeJS
- GhostCMS on Heroku → Github Pages
Big decisions
- Familiarity with the platform.
Historically great for testing applications for free.
- A decision I would come to regret later.
GhostCMS (later switched to Jekyll on Github Pages)
- Easy “set and forget” options with Heroku.
- Node compatible.
- A fun new learning experience!
- Full frontend theming.
- It has a cool name!
(Look, I know that isn't the most responsible way to make a decision, but damn it, coolness used to mean something!)
Github Pages
- Best financial option with easy access.
- A new learning experience I can use later!
- Full frontend theming.

Heroku had a major pricing shift & loss of feature support in late 2022.
- I had to do lots of research & a hosting platform shift.
- I switched to Github Pages with the Jekyll framework.
- I lost a lot of features by switching away from Ghost, but Jekyll + Pages is a sick combo!
Setting up an S3 server with AWS was a process.
- There is a reason AWS has whole certification programs.
- I got it set up with a lot of Stack Overflow help, but still not sure if I did it securely.
- Switching to Github Pages fixed my ever-lingering concerns!
What did I learn?
- Setting up blogging with the Ghost CMS.
- Setting up blogging with Jekyll.
- AWS is very vast and intimidating. It is way above my pay grade.
What would I improve if I did it again?
I kind of already did do it again while switching from Heroku to Github Pages, lol.
- Implemented big money savings.
- I had a lot of doubts about the security of my instance of S3.
- If I had the time, I would probably learn more about AWS, & switch to it's tools.