This was for an in-house product at the agency I worked for. It was also one of the earliest projects I worked on at the company. It was a learning experience for both me & the company.

Relevant contributions
- Frontend development
- The view theming library
- QA development
- Minor backend development
Major tools
Planning phase
- Earlier on, the developers acted as their own project manager (PM) until the company had official PMs assigned.
- We would have group discussions with our boss (client) about which features were important & make tickets.
Working out tickets
- We set up Docker containers for local environments.
- I would work on the frontend feature & bug tickets.
- Created automated user acceptance testing for every ticket.

This project went through multiple automated user acceptance testing frameworks.
- PhantomJS, Casper.js, Puppeteer, & then nothing at all.
- The changes were all related to testing support and deprecation issues.
- Removing testing was part of an internal decision while switching company stacks.
- No clear-cut resolution. 🤷

What did I learn?
- Building with Docker containers.
- A whole bunch of testing frameworks & practices.
- A little PHP.
- Making logo animations is the bestiest thing in the world-a-ronie!

What would I improve if I did it again?
- Start off the automated user acceptance testing with Cypress, which didn't exist at the time.
- Be less dependent on internal libraries that have separate Jira boards & tickets.