Screenshot of the desktop main screen of the game. It has settings a player can configure for the game.


Kana-gories! is an MVP (minimal viable product, not most valuable player) for a web game made to help people practice their Japanese vocabulary with their friends.

Important Links


I was in a personal rut, and just needed to ship a quick, small project that I could show off and feel like I “completed” even if I never went back to it again. It fit with my language learning goals and nostalgia for board games to make it the game that it was.

Screenshot of the opening page for mobile. It contains game settings and configurations. Screenshot of the Kanagories rules modal on mobile. Screenshot of the Kanagories game screen on mobile. Screenshot of the mobile scoreboard after a round has completed.

Relevant contributions

  • Product design
  • Graphics & animation
  • Wireframes & mockups
  • Frontend development

Major tools


  • Vanilla JS
  • HTML
  • SVG
  • CSS


  • Plain paper & pen
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe XD
A screenshot of different wireframes and mockups for kanagories.


I already had the game idea I wanted to try via an epiphany moment. The rest of planning was about refinement for the purpose of language learning. It also needed to be as simple as possible because I wanted this project to be short & sweet. Here is how it went~

  • I started off researching similar games & postulating how I could convert for a language study experience.
  • I planned out 3 basic screens/sections that would matter most for the MVP:
    • Rules
    • Settings
    • he game itself (which is just data and a timer)
  • I wireframed ideas for the screen layouts on mobile & desktop.
  • I designed mockups for the screens. I wasn't sure about color schemes yet, so it was all in greyscale.
  • I coded the screens based on the mockups.
  • Made the first releases, & got feedback to iterate on.


  • Figuring out a colour scheme for the project.
    • Usually I do design up-front, but for whatever reason, this game me trouble.
    • I eventually got there with 3 days of mood boarding & fretting.
    • The deciding factor was just going with my gut & not looking back

What would I improve?

  • Better accessibility.
    • Specifically, for tabbing fixes.
    • More broadly, any improvements in general.
  • Based on feedback, support for different learning levels.